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Latest posts

How to create a new component in svelte using a template - svelte component scaffolding and boilerplate
Create components in seconds using this template and a cli

How to create a stepper atomic component using pure css and tailwind
We will see the best way for a developer to consume our stepper atomic component and how to implement it

How to handle input keyup events after the user stops typing - Svelte actions and debouncing
Learn how to implement a Svelte action. Learn what debouncing is and how to take advantage of it. Then apply these concepts to implement a custom "on stop typing" Svelte action for our inputs

Why your frontend team is wasting hours every day without a design system
Without a desygn system, the frontend team can literally lose hours every day. The design system is like a rosetta stone that helps devs and designer better communicate and it avoids design and graphic bugs

How to develop a web component using tailwind - a modern starter kit (vite, tailwind, lit element, SCSS)
Web components are still a raw technology, but if you mix them with other good technologies like SCSS and tailwind, the dev experience is better. Let's see how to integrate Tailwind with web components the easy way.